Best Chiropractic Adjustment, Care Valencia, Santa Clarita, CA
What you can expect:
The following are treatment modalities Dr. Jesika Babajanian will choose from — based on your diagnosis.

Chiropractic Manipulation Technique (Spinal Adjustment):
The Doctor uses her hands to apply high-velocity and low-amplitude thrusts to a spinal joint. This helps improve spinal motion and improve your body’s physical function. Top chiropractic adjustment for Valencia, CA, residents needing the most experienced care.

A handheld, spring-loaded device that delivers fast, precise adjustments in order to restore range of motion to the vertebrae and extremity joints.

Electrical Muscle Stimulation (EMS):
A device that sends mild electrical pulses through the skin to help stimulate injured muscles or manipulate nerves to reduce pain. This process strengthens and repairs tissue, particularly muscles which have become shortened, weakened, or atrophied due to injury or disease.

Cold Laser Therapy:
A laser therapy that stimulates cell regeneration and increases blood circulation. It employs deep-penetrating light to promote a chain of chemical reactions known as photobiostimulation.

A powerful massage device used to increase blood flow and flush out metabolic waste from your muscles with targeted deep-tissue massage.

Kinesiology Taping (KT-Tape):
A stretchy tape that is used to help facilitate muscle function and joint stabilization or keep muscles from contracting improperly. It can help decrease pain, swelling, and muscle spasm. It can also help re-train muscles that have lost function or have gotten used to an unhealthy way of working.

Myofascial/Manual Therapy:
Soft tissue system and movement-based massage technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.

Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM):
A specially designed instrument to provide a mobilizing effect to scar tissue and myofascial adhesions.

A therapy that uses suction created by the cup to encourage blood flow and increase circulation. This increased circulation will flush any stagnated toxins and help promote healing and reduce pain. It also assists with cell repair and helps new connective tissues form.